What do we know about Heaven and Hell?



What do we know about heaven and hell?

I’m not a great writer…… but I HAVE to write. Do you want to know why I have to write???

It’s because you need to know about what I’ve witnessed and seen with my own TWO eyes.  

The subject for tonight is Heaven and hell. What do we know? If we are basing it off of the Bible, a few references come to mind. Firstly, in the Gospels, Jesus Himself uses the term “Kingdom of Heaven” often.

“Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.” – Matthew 5:3

“How hard it is for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven!” – Mark 10:23

“The Kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard seed…” – Luke 13:19

He tells us that He has reserved a place in Heaven for each and every one of us. He even says that if this weren’t true He would’ve told us. As Christians and as children of God, we are not to boast over evil doers but rather rejoice that our names are written in Heaven. Praise God! This is good news! Heaven is real.

What does the Bible tell us about hell?

“Then He will also say to those on the left hand, ‘Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels …’ ” Matthew 25:41

“And anyone whose name was not found recorded in the Book of Life was thrown into the lake of fire.” -Revelation 20:15

“And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” – Matthew 10:28


Okay. Scary. I wasn’t expecting to find so much about hell in the Bible.


Heaven and Hell

When I was a kid, I prayed to God and I believed Jesus was the Christ, but I rejected the idea of hell. I never believed in hell until I looked the devil in the face. Does anyone out there know how horrifying HELL actually is? When I first started having visions of angels and demons I mean I saw some scary stuff. I remember the first thing I asked the devil when I saw him and when he was torturing me a bit… was… “is this… real?” he started to nod his head no… then SLAMMED his head up and down vigorously like yessss this is real… and then threw his head back in laughter. #Scarring. This was actually the second night I ever had visions. I’ve had visions ever since this was 5 years ago now. It was also BEFORE I had visions of Christ… and the only word to describe Him was #PRECIOUS.

Jesus Christ is Precious

What about Christians. Do Christians spend time in hell? They believe in God right and they go to Church on holidays so they’re all set for the Judgment seat of Christ right? I WOULD PRAY SO 🙂 I really want to say yes!! I really want to offer my faith up to God that we are allllll set. But are we actually? I think Jesus would want to say yes too. But unfortunately… no. Just because we are Christian, does not mean that we are exempt from the fires of hell. You didn’t know that? There is a Law. There are Commandments. Do you know the Ten Commandments? COMMANDS from the Creator. Only 10 of them. One for every finger. Do you curse using His Name? Do you keep the Sabbath? Surely most humans are guilty of breaking the Commandments…… how sad. I repent I repent I repent. You know at one point in my life I was under the impression that depending on the number of Commandments you’ve broken.. you actually start getting your fingers cut off. I do believe that GODS PEOPLE die and go to heaven. They are safe from ETERNAL flames… but at the same time we have to sit before the Judges we have to give an account for every word we’ve ever spoken and we have to…..sometimes… go through hell.


I will give my official confession and example of what I am talking about. okay. Lord have mercy. Before I gave birth to my daughter, Illiana Marie, I committed the grave sin of abortion. God please bless my Angels in heaven who guard me. I’ve had visions…of my punishment for this grave sin. So… I’m a Christian. I’ve committed my life to Christ. I will live and die for Him. I will die and go to heaven. I will meet my family and attend my funeral in spirit and HUG the Lord Jesus. At some point… I will take that trip to hell…to the “section” for people who have committed this sin. I’m not sure what happens to the men there… but I’m pretty sure you are swimming in blood… like floating in it… and your entire womb gets rearranged. It’s as if you have to do it again… only awake… in hell. So yea! I’m going to heaven I am living eternal life and I will spend an hour or two in the abortion section of hell…….. Also the gluttony level which isn’t as bad but I’ll definitely have to eat like SLUSH because of my indulgences.

What is the key to avoiding these punishments? Faith in Jesus Christ. FIRM FAITH. When you’re in the metal chamber elevator cylinder thing made for one person with a little window out of it ready to fall down to the flames………..and you start descending……DO NOT say… “no no please no…” DO NOT get angry with God. DO NOT let your mind panic and start recounting all the reasons why you are guilty. The ONLY THING that will save you is YOUR FAITH. “Faith in God.” FAITH IN JESUS!!! do not second guess it. as soon as you do you will fall in. For me on earth? I’d like to have faith that when I die…the love of Christ will save me from my punishments. That the forgiveness of sins is THAT REAL. 🙂 The thought really makes me smile. ….moving forward…. moving up and up and up!

What do I know about Heaven????

I guess lets start with the Gates of Heaven right? St. Peter meets you there and lets you in and welcome to the Kingdom of Heaven!!!! EEEKKK. It’s a city. but not just any city. It’s Heaven. Full of light and beauty…. I’ve only seen like a few visions of actual heaven but I have some other valuable information…

The gates. You could study one column for centuries. Every Adam intricately detailed with perfection. The gates are gold if you didn’t know. The gates to hell are like dark bluish black. not so detailed. There’s a guy at those gates too. He’s called a minotaur he has horns on his head. If you get there I mean don’t be too scared he’s just doing his job. Just look up and say “Praise to You Lord Jesus Christ!” Same thing when you get to the Gates at the Kingdom!!

Heaven is awesome. The Prophets and the Saints of Old are Mightier than Mountains. Mightier than like… the Earth!! I’m preeeettty certain that THE SUN can fit in the skull of God. Actually if you can picture a cartoon drawing of the sun…it looks a bit like a halo yes? Jesus, the Son, can wear the sun… as a halo. SO BRIGHT!! Jesus is the Light of the world!!! ❤ Good news good news.

I had this girlfriend Jenny who just recently died in 2015. I went to her memorial and spoke to her parents about the Kingdom… luckily her mother was very devout and already knew Jenny was with God. When I first met the spirit of Jenny she was clearly shocked at what was on the other side… but she was chillen. She thought it was wild that I could actually see her and connect with her in the room…She had an ancestor with her communicating with me for her…cuz the angel had experience and I didn’t want to take away from her wake…It’s easy for me to mess something like that up because it is easy for a spirit to get stuck in my head. Sometimes I make their day but my mind is codependent of the spirits. After leaving the memorial, the real battle was trying to get the angel OUT of my head which is why I usually avoid contact with new spirits… because I don’t want them to judge me for MY SIN…and I don’t want to bother her at her wake! In fact I did take her ancestor with me for half my car ride they were enforcing the importance of car safety…Just got Jenny’s spirit! Totally just judged me. lol its cool though she’s hilarious. The only other time I hung out with her other than her memorial was at a time just before Christmas 2015. It was cool because I got a little taste of her relationship to God, understanding a new angel’s perspective of Him. For me it’s really one on one. I fear Him for eternity but I can kiss Abba on his perfect rosy cheeks because we just have that relationship… thank God… but as a new angel… Jenny hadn’t know God like that yet. So God placed me in the same realm as her. (by the way before I started explaining this I had the feeling that she has definitely grown since then and is one on one with God now. God loves her and is her friend. haha Jesus just said, “Who isn’t?” <3) So Jenny was new… and God didn’t want me to reveal too much to her…cuz God knows I can’t control my mind… and angels can read ur mind… so He kind of gave me the perspective that a new angel has: God in the stars. God answers the angels with perfect clarity. He will say “YES” and the heavens will shake, the angels will hear Him and know Him and love Him, but He says it from the Stars. God is in the highest heights. My new angel Jenny hadn’t met Him face to face…I’m assuming she hadn’t met Jesus yet either. It was Christmas after all…so precious. So God spoke to us from the stars. and God was in the stars ❤ And we sang Gloria to Him. Apparently I taught her how to join in with the choirs of heaven that day! Instead of covering your head as unworthy… you can just tap to the beat. hum in key. ❤ It’s just overwhelming because the Choirs are SO AMAZING. She had a white robe on. It was like a new-comer outfit. She’s with me as I write this. She’s still so funny and she wants to send more of a message to her family…but I can’t get it. It is love. It is SO much love. and sadness that we can’t get a more specific one out. she also said: Jesus. she said, “What?” JEEESSUUUSSS!!! She’s shouting it out. big smiles 🙂 lol Everyone’s gotta go get their souls saved. Love you Jenna. Thanks for the inspiration.

Choirs of Angels



A multitude of the heavenly host, praising God and saying “Glory to God in the Highest” Luke 2:13-14

 Can’t wait to sing Alto in Heaven ❤  


I’ve gotta sign off for now. I’ve got a whole lot more to say….

Good thing I have zero friends.